[SNCNW home] - [SNCNW 2025]
Technical papers can either be presented orally or displayed as posters/demos. The author should indicate his/her preference when submitting. The program chairs will then decide on the final category based on the authors' preference and the outcome of the review.
All submissions should be in the form of short papers of a maximum of 3000 words, about 3-4 pages, and in double-column format, including a short abstract. The preferred language at the workshop is English, so the submission should be written in the English language. The two-column paper format templates from IEEE or ACM are recommended, but other formats are also acceptable.
All contributions should be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF). Please upload your submissions using HotCRP: https://sncnw2025.hotcrp.com/.
A printed version, informal workshop proceedings, of all accepted papers will be provided to the workshop delegates. No copyright will be claimed by the workshop. This means that authors are free to submit their papers to other venues or publish them elsewhere after the workshop. Summaries of previously published papers are also welcome. Additionally, we are currently in discussions with Springer Nature to publish the proceedings as a monograph. If this option becomes available, the authors of each paper will decide if they want their paper published this way or not.
For the final camera-ready version, to be provided after acceptance notification, please observe the following: