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19th Swedish National Computer Networking and Cloud Computing Workshop (SNCNW 2024)

Linköping University, Linköping, June 11-12, 2024

Photo: Thor Balkhed

Venue and local information

Linköping University (LiU) is pleased to welcome The Computer Networking and Cloud Computing Community, to the 19th Swedish National Computer Networking and Cloud Computing Workshop (SNCNW) in Linköping!


Linköping University, Campus Valla, B Building, entrance 27/29, 3rd floor, room John von Neumann, 3D:469.

Lunches are offered on campus at about 5 min walking distance from the conference room, as follows:

Links and maps

Travel information

Some Information about how to get to Linköping and the campus via airplane, train, and bus, including local transportation.


Recommended hotel near the Linköping University campus:

Social Event and Dinner

Dinner at Flygvapenmuseet

Social Event on June 11: Flygvapenmuseum (Swedish Air Force Museum), at Malmslätt, Linköping, Google map.

Join us for an unforgettable evening that combines history, innovation, and fine dining at one of the most awe-inspiring venues—surrounded by Swedish aviation history from the first man-made aircraft to the latest cutting-edge designs by SAAB.

Schedule (preliminary)

Dining Details

Each course is thoughtfully prepared to cater to all dietary preferences. During registration, please specify your dietary needs—vegan, pescetarian, gluten-free, etc.—to ensure we can accommodate you perfectly.

SNCNW attendees will dine in style, surrounded by the giants of the sky. It’s more than a meal; it’s a journey through time and technology.
